Our sweet adorable baby!
Norman and I arrived at the perinatologist's office first thing this morning. I wasn't anxious at all about the NT scan, only excited to get to see Nugget again. The baby's big enough so that transvaginal ultrasounds aren't necessary anymore (yay), so they placed the gooey goop on my belly and used the abdominal ultrasound probe - Nugget appeared right away, looking as cute as can be all cozy in my uterus. I was amazed at how big and hyper the baby was. Heartrate was 158 beats per minute. SO ADORABLE, all wriggly and squirmy and giddy. Super active, somersaults and all. I'm talking non-stop headbanging, hand waving and leg kicking! In fact, the tech was having a had time getting the measurements from the back of the baby's neck because the baby wouldn't stay still, and then when the baby would stay still she couldn't get the angle she needed. We were there for about 25 minutes while she begged and coaxed my Nugget. Even though I was being poked and prodded I enjoyed every minute of it.
Finally Nugget caved and rested peacefully the way the tech needed in order to get the measurements. She told us that the measurements were perfectly in range. Afterwards, the doctor spoke to us and we discussed the second part of the diagnostic testing which was the blood work. They drew blood and I need to go back in in 4 weeks to draw some more.
In 6 weeks I go in for the Level 2 ultrasound when they'll (hopefully) tell us Nugget's gender, perform the fetal echocardiogram, check all the major organs, etc., etc.
I am looking forward to February 13 when we'll get to see Nugget again!
Congratulations! Nugget is beautiful already! I feel like I'm looking at my own child...lol. I think I may go have myself a good happy cry!
What a clear picture of the profile!! I can never tell which end is up on these things!!
Good Job Mommy!
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