Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year!

The only resolution I have this year is to be the best mommy I can be. This is going to be an amazing year for me and I am excited to see what I have in store.

I wish you all the very best this new year and always!

So I spent the entire day with intermittent, very mild, period-like cramping. Since it wasn't painful I didn't call the doctor (plus I'm seeing the perinatologist tomorrow and I'll be sure to mention it), but I did do some research: Round Ligament Pain.

I knew about this pain and have already experienced it, but it was more like an intense muscle pulling feeling in my lower abdomen. I was comforted to know that RLP can manifest itself as mild cramping. Before pregnancy, a woman's uterus is about the size of a lemon; at the beginning of the second trimester it's the size of a cantaloupe. Essentially, the uterus has a lot of growing to do and it is supported by 2 thin ligaments that stretch to accommodate the baby. That only means one thing: PAIN.

Morning sickness and breast tenderness are both still bad to the point where I wonder if I'll need my medication for the duration of my pregnancy. I am holding out hope.

I have also been having bad heartburn again. Heartburn was the first indication I had that I may be pregnant and I really haven't had it since my 2WW and a few weeks after that. But I guess it's back for now because I have had to take Tums and they are getting nasty, ewwww.

On that note, poor Norman is having sympathy pains but is in complete and total denial over it and will dent it every time I say it but I swear to you... he has acid reflux. He has never had acid reflux. We actually both reach for the giant Tums bottle at the same time. It's a race for the cherry flavored ones. I think it's cute lol

I should have new pictures of Nugget tomorrow. I can't wait to see him/her!

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