Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tomorrow we have our next OB appointment. I am hoping to have an ultrasound done and maybe the Doctor can tell us Nugget’s sex. Right after that we are heading over to my Perinatologist’s office in order for them to draw some blood for part 2 of my prenatal screening. If I don’t have an ultrasound done tomorrow, we’ll have to wait until February 13 in order to find out. The anticipation is killing me!

I have flirted with the idea of getting back on the nausea medication but I’ve managed to somehow persevere through this morning, noon and night sickness. I feel a lot like I did when I first got pregnant; nothing too severe but a constant, nagging, low grade nausea at all times. But last night it got so bad I thought I would throw up…of course I didn’t. Most people would be thrilled to not have to throw up but in my case all I want is some relief!

I have been drinking a ton of water. I am so thirsty all the time. I try to stop by about 8PM otherwise I am in the bathroom all night. If I do wake up to go to the bathroom I usually need more water to get back to bed. I have thankfully been doing much better getting back to bed after waking up to pee.

Nugget’s kicks are getting stronger and I suspect that Norman will be able to feel them soon. Nugget likes to hang out on my left side, that’s always where I’ve been able to feel him/her. Now that Nugget is getting bigger it’s getting a bit uncomfortable at times, I guess depending on the position he/she is in. If you open your hand and stretch out your fingers you can see how big Nugget is now. About 5-7 inches long already (growth will continue at about an inch a week), Nugget weighs about 3-5 ounces.


Jackie said...

I'm so sorry you are feeling nausea still on/off. Good thoughts are on the way to help you through.

What a great way to chronicle your pregnancy journey to 'nugget'. Your blog is bookmarked now and I will be checking in regularly.

Love, Jackie & 'Little Squirt' xo

Bex said...

Thanks, Jackie!!!

Anonymous said...

So, do we know yet if nugget is a he or a she???