Thursday, May 8, 2008


When I got home from work yesterday I cleaned up a little and waited for the contractor to arrive. When I realized he wouldn’t be showing up, I decided to just relax and watch some TV. I started getting sleepy so I tried napping. Right before drifting off, I started getting the worst pains in my belly and upper thighs. They weren’t contractions – at least I don’t think they were. It was more of a really bad stomach ache mixed in with intense heartburn and sciatica. I felt panicky but decided to try and sleep through it. I woke up not too long after and began feeling nervous because I hadn’t felt the baby move since the pain started. Then I worked myself up into a slightly more intense panic. I called Norman into the room and started to cry. He comforted me and reassured me.

I know I overreacted but if I am honest with myself I can notice that I am in a state these days. Everything makes me nervous. Being pregnant is the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I have this life inside me and she needs me to take care of her and I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of keeping her safe. Sometimes all I want to do is just hide in bed under the covers for the remaining 9 weeks. My hormones are raging. I am an emotional wreck. I am crying a lot and know it’s natural so I am trudging through. Don’t get me wrong though – I am happy and tear-free waaaaaaaaaaaay more than I am crying and emotional. I just notice that I have somehow reverted back to my first trimester emotional state which is frustrating.

Anyhow, as I am sure you already deduced, my sweet Nugget started kicking up a storm shortly thereafter and all is well.

Oh, and my acid reflux is going to be the end of me.


Cuerpo Aztlan said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Belladora said...

Awwwwwww I love you! I'm so proud of you for going through this whole process. You are an inspiration to me.