Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I felt Nugget move for the first time Monday night!!!! I was lying on my left side in bed trying to get to sleep at about 10:30PM and it happened! I suddenly felt what I can only describe as large gas bubbles, the likes of which I’ve never felt before…but then I realized there was a rhythm to them and that it was the baby!!! The movement suddenly stopped and about 10 seconds later I felt intense butterflies and a tumbling in my belly. I felt as though I was on a roller coaster, it was intense! My reaction was to laugh because I couldn’t believe it. I felt Nugget again last night too. I thought the only time I could feel quickening was when I was lying in bed quietly, but I felt he baby at work this morning!

In other news, I am officially off my nausea medication. My last day was Saturday, January 19. I am really happy about this even though I am still feeling nauseated. Now my only problem is that the medication was also a sleep aid and now I can’t sleep to save my life. I toss and turn trying to get to bed and god forbid I wake up in the middle of the night to pee (which I do like 5 times a night) because I can’t get back to sleep. Early Tuesday morning I woke up at 3AM to potty and didn’t get back to sleep until well after 5AM. My tummy was grumbling and I was just trying to ignore it but finally got up and drank some OJ. I was able to go back to sleep after that so I am assuming the baby needed food? I can imagine what an infant feels like not being able to sleep without feeding.

The same thing happened to me last night; I woke up to use the bathroom and couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally got up and drank some more OJ and was able to fall asleep relatively quickly. I bought some light n’ fit smoothies and will have a sip or two of those when it happens again.

I am having dull headaches all day long as well as serious itchiness and pain in my boobies. I read that now is when my milk glands are starting production and that is what causes tenderness but OMG just like in my 2WW I can hardly lay on them…not that it matters because poor Nugget doesn’t like when I lay on my belly anyways.


Cuerpo Aztlan said...

How exciting!!!

Belladora said...

So very cool that Nugget is moving around. Not so cool you are having issues sleeping though. All of this is just too exciting!