Thursday, February 21, 2008


20 weeks today!

5 year wedding anniversary today!

I am officially halfway through my pregnancy, I cannot even believe it. On a day to day basis time really seems to drag, but looking back it’s amazing how time flies.

As you can all see I am getting bigger by the day. Yesterday I asked my mom how it is humanly possible for my stomach to get any bigger than what it already is. I have been slathering the cocoa butter on because I am really beginning to feel the pull.

I feel the baby so much more these days. She especially likes to kick at night. Last night in the middle of the night I could swear I felt her when I put my hand over my belly. I was this.close to waking Norman up but I was in a haze and poor Norm has been sick with a chronic ear infection so I didn’t want to bother him with a false alarm. He has yet to feel Nugget and I am desperate for the day when he can!

I have bad nausea at the end of the day. I remember reading that fatigue exacerbates nausea. Believe me when I tell you I am drained by 4PM. Plus I get thirstier than I’ve ever felt in my entire life at night for some odd reason. So there I am, chugging a ton of water very close to bedtime. Not good, but kinda funny since I also read somewhere that needing too pee a hundred times a night is just my body’s way of getting used to needing to get up two hundred times a night once the baby arrives.

I am also really plumping up. My face, arms and legs look so chubby to me. I look so much…softer. I’m taking it all in stride while trying to really watch what I eat. Yesterday I had a horrible craving for a Snickers Bar. I haven’t had any cravings during my pregnancy and decided to indulge myself. Mind you, six months ago I wouldn’t have been caught dead with a Snickers Bar. But there I was in Walgreens buying one. A king sized one no less. I ate it and it was good – but then I remembered why it is that I can’t eat chocolate while pregnant: I got the worst heartburn. To make things worse, I somehow ended up sleeping on my back for the majority of last night. When I got up to pee, I could hardly move the heartburn was so bad and my back was killing me.

Tomorrow we go in for the fetal echocardiogram. Since everything looked great during my Level 2, this is just extra precautionary. I am so excited to see the baby again. When I first heard that Tom Cruise bought Katie Holmes an ultrasound machine when she was pregnant with Suri I just about feel over. But to be completely honest, if I were given the chance to see Nugget every day I would take it in a heartbeat!

I will post tomorrow with results from the fetal echocardiogram.

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