Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I am working from home today. I am not feeling well, my throat is swollen and getting sore and I have definite stuffiness and shortness of breath (while at rest). Plus last night I got my Event Monitor and was already able to record a tachycardia event. I called it in this morning and am going to wait a bit before calling the Cardiologist and seeing what he thinks. In the meantime, I am drinking an Odwalla Strawberry C Monster smoothie hoping the vitamins in there will nurse me to health…fat chance.

It’s a dreary day, dark and windy. I am fighting the urge to crawl back into bed just yet. I have work I need to get done. But I will definitely be resting though.

I need to get better so that I can start breathing through my nose again.

1 comment:

Cuerpo Aztlan said...

Big hugs! Feel better cariƱo!!!