Friday, June 27, 2008


Happy 5 Year Anniversary to Norm and me!

My OB appointment today was unfortunately very uneventful. I got an internal exam and was given the news that there have been no change since Monday's L&D exam.

However, the baby did drop, my Doctor said she was definitely lower. I should have asked the baby's station but I forgot.

He said "She's getting ready for take off" lol

I also passed my Group B Strep swab, yaaayyyy. One less thing to worry about.

I could have sworn I would have been more dilated at this point, especially after the terrible night I had last night. The menstrual camp-like pain I was having along with the contractions woke me up at 3AM and kept me up for over an hour. But no luck.

Soooooo, I made my next appointment for Thursday, July 3 (since Friday is a holiday).

I am frustrated and want her to come already!

Fingers crossed that my Nugget arrives before my July 3rd appointment!

1 comment:

Belladora said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! *yes, yes, i'm late!*