It was a looooong scan. Right before we began the technician told me it was another Level II. This technician was awesome. She gathered all of the baby’s measurements and captured a bunch of great images for us:
Nugget is measuring 23 weeks, weighs 1 pound 5 ounces and her heart rate was 161 BPM.
She even stuck out her tongue! It was so cute. (We got 2 pictures of her doing this and although they are scary looking I think it’s adorable lol) She loves grabbing at her feet and is very squirmy. Every technician so far has noted how hyper the little rugrat is, this one was no different. She kept commenting how Nugget wouldn’t stay still.
I was basically discharged from the Perinatologist’s care. Since everything looks so good and I am doing so well, the Doctor felt that unless I begin feeling cardiac symptoms or if my Cardiologist notices a significant difference in my heart function, she no longer needs to monitor the baby.
I have an appointment with my Cardiologist tomorrow. I’ll be getting an EKG & Echo and the Doctor will compare it to my last exams from early October, right before I got pregnant. I am feeling great. The only thing I occasionally get is mild tachycardia, which I have been told is very normal in pregnant women given the large increase in the blood volume.
Without any further ado, I present the Nugster at 22 weeks and 6 days old:
Profile picture

Another profile

With her tongue out


It's a Girl!

Awww! If its possible to tell, I think she looks like you!
Awesome! I'm glad you got a good little kickboxer!
Becky - she is SO cute!!!!!! I'm so glad that things are progressing smoothly. In a few months' time, I can't believe you'll be posting your labour story!
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