I am officially considered FULL TERM!
Here are 2 belly pictures, one from 36w5d:
And one from yesterday, 37w6d (yesterday):
As you can see, I am exhausted. I am really feeling the weight of my belly.
I don't think I have mentioned that after last Monday's L&D incident, I decided to start working from home...I really don't want to go into labor at the office.
Not much to report on otherwise.
I am definitely having an increase of discharge as well as continued contractions, pelvic pressure and especially intense menstrual cramp pains. I have been walking and trying to see if hopefully Nugget cooperates and comes out within the week.
I have my OB appointment tomorrow morning and am desperately hoping for another internal exam in order to track my progress. I am guessing we’ll schedule an induction date, too.
My birthday is coming up on July 5. I wonder if she’ll be here before or after that day?!!
Wow! Look at you! How much weight have you gained. It looks like all belly!
You look great.
So are we gonna get a detailed account of labour. Some of us with no kids are so terrified and curious!!! lolol
Take care girl!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck! Make sure norman lets us know!!!!!!
It's going to be such a relief to get rid of that tummy! It's so strange thinking she's in there!
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