I was feeling so good last night that I decided to skip the Unisom all together…and guess what? I feel fine! Yay! Could it be I have kissed my morning sickness goodbye??? I hope so! My breasts are still very sore but I can live with that!
This morning I had quite an experience. (warning TMI) I normally have no issues moving my bowels. Even while pregnant I have never been constipated and have stayed very regular. I go once a day, sometimes even more. I think I can attribute this to my awesome prenatal vitamin that contains a stool softener. So anyhow, this morning I was unable to go at home which sucks because I knew I’d end up having to go at work. Sure enough that’s exactly what happened. Well, to make a long story short, I had a lot of blood when I wiped and in my stool. I freaked out. I am already so stressed out at work trying to wrap up the year by this Friday that the last thing I needed to see was blood. I was in complete hysterics when I called the doctor. This is no exaggeration: I was sure I had cancer. My doctor’s wife works with him in the office and is the kindest lady. She is the person who will sometimes answer the phone. She was so very patient with me and reassuring. After establishing that the blood was coming from the back region, she assured me that even though I felt no pain back there that it was most likely a hemorrhoid and that this is very common in pregnancy and that the doctor would get back to me and prescribe something for it.
No sooner than we hung up the phone did my butt catch fire. I have been super uncomfortable ever since. I have been going back to the bathroom frequently and checking for blood but there has been no more. Thankfully.
It’s just another day in the life, I suppose. Corny as it may sound, it is all very worth it in the end.
Hey Bex...Thats the first thing I thought, hemorroid....which is probably why you were uncomfortable after! Good though to be concerned. Always better to be safe! Love you!
In college the same thing happened to me and I FLIPPED out. I called my mom balling that I was dying because it was the only 'rational' explanation I could come up with!!!!
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