Norman and I put together our new Graco SweetPeace swing last night, a gift from my brother and SIL. We love it! It is so adorable. The swing is definitely a pimped out swing. It has a vibrating feature and you can even hook up your ipod to it and play your own music. I'm sure Norman will have Nugget hooked on David Bowie before she can mumble her first words :)
We continued our work around the house yesterday. Norman has been working like a beast these days to try and get everything set for our extended stay with the baby at my parent’s house. I already officially cannot sit on the floor because I get bad lower back pain if I do. I also am getting some minor swelling in my legs again, especially my left one. Yesterday it became painful and I had to go lay down on my left side until the pain subsided.
I start my 3rd trimester in 2 weeks!
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